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Creative Works


BREATHE (March & April 2023) captivated audiences through emotional connection. The show was a seamless 1-hour experience with a 15-minute intermission that included the choreographic works of director, Lauren Overstreet, the lighting creations of designer David Reingold, and the utilization of props, each symbolizing the weight and the memory of loved ones lost. The show consisted of 16 separate choreographic works, reflecting not only the different stages and sentiments of grief but, ultimately, how we find meaning in it.


"Breathe" (March 2023) captured by David Reingold.


Our BREATHE ENCORE performances elevated the original showing of BREATHE. The theme of grief was further developed through more dense works with a larger cast. Ultimately, the works followed the journey of grief through stages to highlight its lack of linear growth. The restaged works were an acclaimed success, and within this performance, Hallelujah from THIS SILLY LITTLE GAME debuted.

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"Breathe Encore" (December 2023) Image 1 by Hannah Middleton; Image 2 by David Reingold.


THIS SILLY LITTLE GAME was an insightful evening-length work choreographed by Artistic Director Lauren Overstreet that explores the intricacies of struggling with self-doubt. The 13-dancer cast uses virtuosic and expressive movement to explore the question, “Who are we when we end up alone?” Excerpts from this performance will be presented at the inaugural Atlanta Reconstruct Exhibition, Atlanta Fringe Fest 2024, and CDCFest 2024. The piece "Hallelujah" from the larger show is also featured in PandaKo's newest advertisement of 7 Stages Theatre's updated venue. 


"This Silly Little Game" (March 2024) captured by David Reingold.

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